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Showing posts from January, 2021

January Updates!

   January 4H Updates and Reminders ! It's a new year and you know what that means... A NEW 4-H SEASON! 🎉


Below is a link with some information in regards to the State Fair and Dressage:

Clover Buds

  Zoom Schedule: March 6th 10:00 AM: "Hand Flower"  Game: Skillathon Practice - Use skillathon materials to study March 20th 10:00 AM: "Horse Craft"  Game: Tell us your horse joke April 1st 10:00 AM: "Foot Painting"     Game: Skillathon Practice Here Are Some Skillathon Practices:

Club Officer Info

Send your video by Feb. 17 @ 6 PM!

Livestock Info

Livestock Info. Market poultry, market rabbits, and junior breeding rabbits: Saturday, July 10th from 10AM - 2PM @ the Hartford Fairgrounds The rabbit registration form should be printed and filled out before bringing your rabbit(s) to registration. 

Dr. Reiswig Field Trip!

It is too bad we weren't able to travel to Dr. Reiswig's clinic this year but hopefully this video can suffice!   In this, Dr. Reiswig will perform an annual dental exam on A.J. and float his teeth. Last year when he saw him he suggested taking x-rays at his next appointment so you will also see how he goes about taking them and the discussion about what he finds!