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May Updates!



May is already here! Pretty soon we'll be in the show pen! Hopefully everyone who attended the clinic on Saturday learned a lot and feels prepared for the shows coming up! 

Show Dates:

June Show: 18th - 20th

PAS Qualifying Show: June 26th

July Show: 16th - 18th

Location: Hartford Fair Grounds

Plan on being there all day! 

Please make sure your horses are cared for through out the day!! It will be hot so checking water buckets frequently is probably a good idea 🤔 

Masks are mandatory and the club potluck is not permitted. There will be a food truck. 

Volunteers are greatly appreciated at these shows to help the day go smoother. Please let Lt know what you are willing to help with! This includes:

  • Helping the judge

  • Checking in 4-Hers

  • Working the gates

  • Ringmaster

  • Announcer stand helper

  • Setting up the ring (trail, dressage, etc...)

  • Poop and trash parole 


    The next 4-H meeting is May 15th

    10AM - Noon @ the 4-H barn. 

    Topic: Finishing up workbooks and signing up for the shows. 

    Community Service Project:

    Our community service officer, Grace Kees, presented an idea to have 4-Hers create handmade cards for the children at the hospital. 

    We ask that everyone make at least 5 handmade cards for the ill at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

    There will be an envelope hanging on the cubby side of the tack room OR you can hand Grace your cards at the July show!  


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